Here are your random numbers:
31 3 44 49 25
7 33 26 14 18
Timestamp: 2009-10-24 14:51:33 UTC
31 is: Valerie
3 is Lindsey CLAIMED
44 is ~Diana~ CLAIMED
49 is Robyn
25 is Dean and Amber CLAIMED
7 is heather park-Hillhouse CLAIMED
33 is leigh + brian CLAIMED
26 is Jason CLAIMED
14 is The Ward's
18 is The Reynolds CLAIMED
Congrats to the lucky 10!! Please e-mail me at blincster (at) hotmail (dot) com with your mailing address so I can make sure you get your coupons.
Please CLAIM your winnings by Tuesday 10:00 EST otherwise another person will be chosen!
Get a FREE Beauty Rush Lip Gloss at a Victoria’s Secret store for going in for a bra fitting. The bra fitting is free and the lip gloss will be free with THIS coupon. Coupon expires on 11/15/09.
Thanks Common Sense With Money
KIDS get a FREE mini kid size pizza when they come into any Papa Murphy’s on Halloween wearing their costume . Click HERE to find the closet Papa Murphy’s nearest to you!
Thanks A Thrifty Mom!
Panda Express is giving away a FREE Single Serving Entree Item when you purchase a 2 or 3-item entree! Coupon expires October 27, 2009!
Thanks A Thrifty Mom
It's customer appreciation week (through 10/25/09) at Domino’s Pizza! Which means we can get one large one topping extra cheese pizza for only $5.99 each. (Carry out only)
Jack in The Box will be offering a FREE Grilled sandwich when you purchase a large fountain drink tomorrow Tuesday October 20th 2009. Choose from Grilled Turkey, Bacon Cheddar with roasted turkey, cheddar cheese and bacon, and the Grilled Deli Trio, with salami, sliced ham, roasted turkey, provolone cheese and pickles. Limit of one per customer!
Thanks Common Sense With Money
Neosporin Lip Health has a new PRINTABLE $3/1 coupon (Internet Explorer) OR (FireFox)
If you've printed this coupon before, it's been reset so you can print two more & these are only $2.99 at CVS through October 31, 2009.
Install the Family Tree application on Facebook, & then you will be able to order a FREE hard cover 20-page 8×8 photo book from Shutterfly. You do have to pay shipping and handling which is $7.99!