Bargain Briana
Common Sense With Money
Deal Seeking Mom
Money Saving Mom
Coupon Craving
Savin' Some
The Centsible Sawyer

Common Sense With Money
I Heart Rite Aid
Deal Seeking Mom
The Thrifty Mama

The "Cent"sible Sawyer (Midatlantic area)
Deal Seeking Mom

The Centsible Sawyer

Be Centsable
Common Sense With Money, Money Maker This week
Deal Seeking Mom
The Thrifty Mama
The Centsible Sawyer

I'm so bummed that there wasn't any coupons this week in the paper. Is this normal?
It isn't unusual, Weekends after a holiday they usually wont have them.
P.S. Thanks for always leaving me comments...I love getting them!
i love your blog and follow it regularly!! Thanks for always keeping me updated on the best buys around town!
Do you shop at CVS? Is there one around here? They have some good deals going on right now!!
No we do not have a CVS in MI...I WISH though, they are ALWAYS having great deals and lots of freebies!!!
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