This is what I was able to get a Meijers today using the Meijers Meal Box Coupons. (There is no limit on the item of coupons you can print! The coupons does say COUPON GOOD THRU 11/15/08
Scroll down to New to Meal box, and click on get coupons.
Then on the right hand side you will see a box of coupon that you can scroll through, these are the ones I did:

Jello Coupon (on page 3 for me) $1.50 off Any 2(two) 4 serve Jell-O Gelatin or Pudding. Everyday price $.64 each 2 for $1.28. (you make $.22)

$1.50 off Any Taco Bell Dinner Kit or Taco Bell Salsa (also on page 3 for me). 12 Taco Shells cost $1.30 ($.20 overage) Salsa $1.85 (Cost $.35 after coupon)
My Total Cost
$3.84 Jello
-$4.50 Jello Coupon
$3.90 Taco Shells
-$4.50 Taco Coupon
$5.55 Salsa
-$4.50 Taco Coupon
= -$.21 OVERAGE
oh i like this one....but do taco shells count as a dinner kit? I mean obviously it did for you , but no problems?
oh yea, and if it says one coupon per transaction, not to be combined with any other discount coupons...did you have to do different transactions? Or is it hit and miss? Maybe they'll let me, maybe they won't?
The dinner kit is the Taco Shells. That is what is in the picture. At first I did them in different transaction in the self check out and the coupons wouldn't scan. So the lady came over to help me and she just had to type the coupons in the KEY IN ITEM CODE...for produce and they worked just fine. So after doing 3 different transaction I finally just tried what I had left all together and it worked just fine. But again I just had to type in all the coupons manually!
yup it's funny that the taco shells are pictured on the "dinner kit" coupon and a dinner kit is pictured on the "shells" coupon.
Best part is this - the taco bell taco shells are very good. Better than El Paso, in my opinion.
I'm loving that everyone's all over this deal!!
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